Thursday, 22 April 2010

Call sheets and shooting scheldues 4

call sheet 4

Date: 8th December

Times: 12pm till 8pm

To Bring: costumes which have already been decided upon and other props.


12.00 – 1pm: Get all the rest of the shots ready to film.

1.00 – 3pm: Film shots 19 and 20 in this time and take time to watch them back.

3pm-4.30pm: Film shot 21 and get it perfect so we don’t have to spend any more time on filming it. Take 20minute break in this time.

5.00-6pm: Get shot 22 completed and then replayed back on the video camera to all too see to see if any changes needed.

6pm-8pm: Get shots 23 and 24 completed and then watch all shots back to pick out good and bad points of them and see if there’s any adjustments needed to any of the shots. Give characters insight of what’s happening tomorrow.

Additional information:

If for any reason you cannot make it on the day printed above please inform as soon as possible so that I can find a temporary or permanent replacement.

Thank you
Dean and Chris

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