Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Scream 2 and Halloween 2 film trailer analysis'

Scream 2 trailer –
I analysed this particular film trailer as I feel it relates to the genre of horror which i am trying to re-create.
In this film trailer a number of shots are used and edited at a fast pace, this gives the effect that time is passing quickly, but it also shows just how many victims, or suspense scenes there are.
The opening scene of the trailer is of a woman turning from her door to face the camera, as what seems to be her partner, or friend leaves the building. This creates a scene of which most horror film fans are aware of; a woman left alone in her house at night, is almost a cliché when it comes to horror films. This then cuts to a classic “Scream” phone call, which ends with a whiteout. This is followed by a POV shot with the sound of footsteps, walking towards the door. Are we seeing through the killers or victims eyes? This makes the scene more mysterious as we are not sure whether “we” as in the person who we are supposed to be is going to kill someone or be killed, again adding suspense.
After this we are bombarded with a succession of shots, white outs and quick editing, we also hear the killer’s voice still speaking on the phone, but we do not see him on screen, behind the voice seems to be a stinging noise which appears to be rising in pitch. In the middle of the trailer we are offered a lot more action. This is shown by various white out and quick cuts. We also come to terms with who the main characters in the film are.
We as the audience also get a glimpse of dialogue in the trailer when we are shown some college students talking about how the girl was murdered “she was stabbed seven times” this gives us a glance of what happened to the girl shown earlier in the trailer, and makes us want to see what really happened. The trailer ends with two shots of girls screaming, presumably as they are about to be killed or have seen a loved one murdered.
I feel that this trailer is effective in creating suspense, but it also shows just enough blood, gore and dialogue to keep the viewer interested and wanting more.

Halloween 2 trailer –
The narrative of this film is similar to most slasher movies, however the killer in this movie, seems to invincible, as he parades around committing as many murders as he possibly can.
The trailer opens with an extreme long shot of what appears to be a women walking down a poorly lit deserted street. This adds a mysterious effect as we do not know whether this character will be the killer or the victim. This scene then fades gradually into a DBO. The scene fades in again to show the same woman clutching a gun in her right hand, as a police car approaches from behind her, the police car stops and the man steps out as we hear the woman’s trembling voice saying “I killed him”, the person whom she “killed” isn’t mentioned, but as a sound reaches a crescendo and cuts to a DBO it isn’t likely that we are going to find out, or maybe we will... This scene jump cuts into a flashback of the previously shown girl shooting a figure on the floor, this is accompanied by a high pitched scream, or wail, as the scene cuts to her being rushed to hospital with horrific burn injuries. We assume that the figure she is shooting done this to her. This opening sequence fits well with the genre of the trailer, as it gives enough dialogue for us to connect to the narrative, whilst still guessing as to what really happened.
The middle of the trailer reveals a little more dialogue, showing the killer roaming the halls of a hospital wing, seemingly looking for one specific person (the girl who we saw shooting a unnamed figure) Therefore we can guess that the film will be ultimately about the killer finding this girl after this we are bombarded with a series of jump cuts and quick edits, each revealing a small piece of dialogue and some form of murder, keeping our interest. But it also keeps us guessing as to what truly happens in this film.
The end of the sequence is very much the same as the middle, however it uses straps to tell us when the movie is premiering and who the main character is. The film ends with a prolonged shot of the killer smashing through a door and bending down to camera level, seeming to look at the audience, trying to say that we are his victims.

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