Thursday, 22 April 2010

Call sheets and shooting scheldues 2

Call sheet 2

Date: 6th December

Times: 12pm till 8pm

To Bring: costumes which have already been decided upon and other props.


12.00 – 1pm: Plan shots 3-10 today and get everyone up to date with what they have to do.
1.00 – 3pm: Have every one dressed and ready and get shots 3 and 4 completed until they are perfect
3pm-4.30pm: Getting shot 5 perfectly shot and starting shot 6. Have 20 minute break in this time.
5.00-6pm: Get shot 6 and 7 completed and then replayed back on the video camera to all to see.
6pm-8pm: Get shots 8, 9 and 10 completed and then watch them back to pick out good and bad points of them. Give characters insight of what’s happening tomorrow.

Additional information:

If for any reason you cannot make it on the day printed above please inform as soon as possible so that I can find a temporary or permanent replacement.

Thank you
Dean and Chris

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