Wednesday, 21 April 2010

film narrative

Horror film trailer
Name of film: Lansbury Drive
Killer’s background:
The killer in my film grew up on a normal, peaceful suburban street. When one day his home and all that he thought was safe and private was invaded by two masked thugs. These thugs ransacked the house, stealing everything of value in the process. This brought them to the last room where they burst through the door and killed the two people sleeping inside. The boy looked on from the closet where he had taken refuge, as he watched his parents go limp the two thugs departed the house and stole away into the night. The boy was terrified as sat on the bed and tried to wake his parents. The boy was sent into care where matters got worse; the boy it seemed was twisted beyond recognition, harbouring a grudge for that suburban street where his life was stripped away from him.
Main Narrative:
The main narrative of my horror film trailer is that the boy who was sent to care returns to the street where he grew up. However the killer is ready to unleash a hatred for these people that he has been harbouring for 15 years. As he invades homes, ambushes victims and kills all whom he sees the killer goes on a rampage to unleash the pain which he felt when he was younger.

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